Re Doordash & TWU landmark agreement implications to “gig” workers
Listen to the full Podcast or Susan’s Interview @ 1:39:50 to 1:46

Re Doordash & TWU landmark agreement implications to “gig” workers
Listen to the full Podcast or Susan’s Interview @ 1:39:50 to 1:46
Wage theft a “deeply systemic issue”, employment lawyer warns:
Susan was recently interviewed by Sophie Formica at 4BC in relation to the recent allegations of wage theft by supermarket chain giant Coles.
Read up on employee rights amid these rising concerns in the work place at the link below:
During these challenging and difficult times SMA is committed to our people, our clients and all our families and friends.
COVID-19 – Notice to Clients: Commencing 17 December 2021, in order to prevent the spread of Covid, SMA will require clients to produce proof of vaccination before attending our office for consultations and conferences.
If you are unvaccinated, SMA will conduct all consultations and conferences via TEAMS or Telephone as a necessary public health measure aimed at restricting infection. We thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19 – Many people around the world are now working from home and have access to systems as if they were in the office, but with widespread travel restrictions it is no longer feasible to accept hard copy letters or service of legal proceedings at our offices. We do however, now accept service of all documents by email as long as you send them to the email address of the SMA lawyer who is handling your matter with a cc to, any attachment must be less than 20Mb, and you receive no out-of-office message or other system message signifying that the lawyer has not seen your email.
Here at Susan Moriarty & Associates, we are always evolving and adapting for our clients and guests of the office.
We have now introduced the Check-in QLD QR Code so that any person attending the office can sign in conveniently. The QR Code is displayed at the front of the office on our receptionist’s desk. For those attending the office that do not have the app, we still have our COVID-19 sign-in book available to fill out. The book sits atop the reception desk, for your convenience.
We ask that if you do attend the office, please ensure you are correctly socially distancing by maintaining 1.5metres between yourself and the staff and that you wear your mask during any meetings or consultations with the solicitors.
Thank you for your understanding.
Law firms are classified under the Queensland Government legislation as an essential service. So here at SMA, our solicitors are still working through the COVID-19 outbreak and any subsequent lockdowns. Our office is open during regular business hours and appointments are able to be scheduled by Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or via telephone.
To book now, call us on 07 3352 6782 or email us at
One of Australia’s top businessmen has quit Sydney’s exclusive men’s only club, after it voted to keep women out. The institution, located in the heart of Sydney CBD, voted down a resolution which would have altered the club’s rule prohibiting women from joining.
As a human rights lawyer, Susan Moriarty was interviewed by the ABC to weigh in on the controversial debate regarding one of the state of New South Wales’s iconic institutions.
Linked below is the interview between the ABC and our Principal, Susan Moriarty.
Listen here to ABC News Radio! Posted Tuesday 16 June 2021.
This article is legal information and should not be seen as legal advice. Please consult with a lawyer before you rely on this information.
With Australia’s economy plunging into its first recession in almost 30 years, it’s no surprise many employers are looking for ways to cut costs.
But what happens when this cost-cutting clashes with your workplace rights?
Linked below is a helpful article by the ABC News which answers this very question.
Can your boss cut your pay or conditions without asking you? How does coronavirus affect workplace rights? by Business Reporter Michael Janda posted Tuesday 1 September 2020.
This article is legal information and should not be seen as legal advice. Please consult with a lawyer before you rely on this information.
Read the ABC News article discussing our client, Liesa Oldfield, taking court action against One Stop Warehouse:
One Stop Warehouse former HR manager accuses company of underpaying staff by state political correspondent Peter McCutcheon, posted Friday 10 July 2020.
As Queensland’s COVID-19 curve reduces and restrictions ease, plans for returning to work are a hot topic among many businesses.
But before rushing back to business as usual, the Government is urging workplaces to implement a plan outlining how they will keep returning workers safe in accordance with their key workplace health and safety (‘WHS’) duties.
Importantly, employers owe their employees a duty to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk.
Under this duty falls the responsibility to protect employees from exposure to COVID-19.
Numerous health and safety recommendations have been released regarding what action employers should be taking to prevent exposing their employees to COVID-19 and other related risks upon returning to work.
For more consumable reading, we have condensed some of the important suggestions into one easy-to-read factsheet.
With workplaces adapting to reflect community changes such as caring responsibilities and commuting needs, employers are tasked with creating an environment which is enjoyable and safe for their workers.
Certainly, not all employees will feel the same about returning to work, because no two workers or workplaces are the same. You will need to understand what is right for each individual to format a return to work plan.
Importantly, Australian HR Institute suggests that support & communication is paramount – urging employers to prioritise their workers’ emotional safety.
This article is legal information and should not be seen as legal advice. Please consult with a lawyer before you rely on this information.
Read the Mumbrella article discussing our client, a Group Complainant comprised of Aboriginal Elders, Award-Winners & Young Leaders, take their racial discrimination case against Channel 7 Sunrise to the Federal Court:
‘Right out of the racist’s playbook’ Aboriginal Elders condemn Samantha Armytage and Prue MacSween by Brittney Rigby, posted Wednesday 24 June 2020.